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Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a general term for dentin sensitivity or root sensitivity. Hot, cold, sweet, sour or highly acidic foods and drinks; if cold weather conditions cause your teeth to ache or become sensitive; your teeth are sensitive.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity usually occurs as a result of exposure of dentin tissue in areas close to the root of the tooth due to gingival diseases or gingival recession. Gingival recession is quite common. In the root of the tooth, there is no protective tooth layer like the enamel in the crown part of the tooth. Instead, a very soft layer of cement covers the roots. As a result of this loss, the dentin in the root of the tooth is exposed. Brushing the teeth incorrectly and harshly or using toothpaste with a very abrasive content can cause the enamel to be eroded and the dentin tissue to be exposed. Consumption of highly acidic foods such as pickles may expose the dentin layer by causing erosion and melting of the tooth surface. In addition, blumia (self-vomiting) can also cause tooth erosion and sensitivity due to the acids it creates in the mouth.

It is important that you inform your dentist about your sensitive tooth. Your dentist will perform an examination, determine whether the problem is dentin sensitivity and recommend the appropriate treatment for you. If your teeth are sensitive, brushing can be a nightmare. Conversely, if you brush less because your teeth hurt, there is a greater risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

Pain after hot, cold, sweet, sour, or acidic foods and drinks can also be a sign of deep tooth decay or a broken tooth. In this case, your dentist will fill or apply another treatment.

Why Does Exposed Dentin Pain?

Dentin is made up of thousands of tiny canals that can only be seen with a microscope. These channels start from the tooth surface, pass through the dentin and extend to the nerve in the middle of the tooth (pulp). These channels are filled with fluid; After hot or cold food and drink, this liquid moves, affects the nerve of the tooth and causes pain.

Can I Prevent Tooth Sensitivity?

You can reduce the risk of developing tooth sensitivity by keeping your mouth clean to prevent gum disease and gingival recession. You can reduce the risk of developing tooth sensitivity if you brush, floss, and use a less abrasive toothpaste as recommended by your dentist.

Likewise, a diet that does not contain too much acid can prevent tooth sensitivity. If you do not care about your sensitive teeth, you may experience different mouth problems, especially if you do not brush your teeth due to pain, gum diseases and tooth decay may occur.

What Should I Do If My Teeth Are Sensitive?

First, describe your problem to a dentist because he or she will determine the best treatment for you. It is important to understand whether your problem is a more serious problem and not dentin or root sensitivity.

What is the professional approach to this issue?

Exposed root surfaces are isolated

root surfaces can be improved with fluoride varnishes

Restorations can be made with filling materials to replace the missing layers of the tooth.

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